How Commercial Restoration Works –Electronics Restoration

Commercial Restoration Company

Dealing with the aftershock of a fire accident or water damage incident is traumatizing. Not only does it take a toll on your peace of mind but also incurs significant financial losses for your business. Getting back on track after a fire disaster becomes extremely difficult. But thanks to commercial restoration companies, it becomes a whole lot easier to deal with this crisis. 

Today, we will be taking a closer look at how commercial restoration companies help businesses with electronics and electrical equipment restoration. 

Why Commercial Electronics Restoration is Important?

Before we dive deep into the details of a commercial electronics restoration process, let’s first figure out if there is even a need to do that. You may think restoring or repairing damaged electronics after a fire or storm may be impossible. However, with the help of a professional commercial restoration company, it is quite achievable. 

Commercial restoration companies perform a thorough assessment of the damaged electronics and can save them from getting discarded. They can help restore electronics from computers to lights to electrical machines at a fraction of the cost of purchasing new items altogether. They are experts in the field and have years of experience and specialized training they implement to repair your electronics back to a functioning stage. 

Here is a list of the most common electronic items that can be easily repaired by a commercial restoration company after a disaster:

  • Computers
  • Laptops
  • Smartphones
  • Machinery
  • Printers
  • Scanners
  • Projectors
  • Monitors
  • Medical devices
  • Projectors
  • TV
  • Lamps 
  • Fans


Commercial Electronics Restoration – Step-by-Step Guide

When you call in a professional electronics restoration company for the repair of your electronic devices post-disaster, half of the process is carried out on-site and the rest of the work is done at their headquarters. Let’s take a look at all the important steps of a commercial electronics restoration process:

Step 1 – Damage Assessment 

This is the first and one of the most crucial parts of the entire restoration process. The technicians perform a thorough assessment of the severity of the situation and classify items accordingly. 

Some equipment can be cleaned and repaired then and there only so they are kept separately, while the rest of them are packed to be taken to the company’s headquarter facility. These facilities have specialized tools and devices that help repair severely damaged electronic items. Besides this, performed by other technicians and experts available at the facility need to perform other steps. 


Step 2 – Cleaning 

After a fire incident, your electronic items are most likely to get piled up with soot and ash remains. Hence, technicians ensure that all your electronics are thoroughly cleaned from inside and out so it becomes easier to further repair them.  

Most items are just clogged up with smoke and ash and just a deep clean is enough to fully repair them. In the commercial restoration process, the technicians perform an in-depth cleaning procedure to make sure that every electronic item is squeaky clean. Moreover, these technicians are trained to do perform the cleaning job with great precision and complexity to prevent your electronics from further damage. 

The items that cannot be cleaned at the site are packed away to be taken to the facility where they are cleaned using special tools and machinery.


Step 3 – Deodorization 

This process is not always necessary but most professional restoration companies perform it to add another layer of efficiency. In this step, they get rid of the unpleasant and stingy smoke-like odor that overpowers your electronics and overall environment after a fire incident.


Step 4 – Restoration

This is where all the magic happens. Commercial restoration companies take your faulty electronics to their headquarter facility to begin repairs. The process is super complex and goes through several different stages to ensure that the electrical item is up and running again like it used to. 

Some electric items are disassembled during the restoration process to fix whatever issues or damaged is caused by the disaster. The technicians take care that all the circuitry and functionality of the item remain intact. If any faulty components cannot be salvaged, they are replaced with new ones. This also helps minimize the costs of getting the entire item replaced. 


Step 5 – Delivery

This is the final stage of the commercial restoration process and also the most fulfilling one. Your electronics have now been repaired and recovered and are just a few miles away from you. 

Most commercial restoration companies provide delivery services to ensure you are fully satisfied with their services. They also help you set up equipment and perform a final inspection to ensure proper functionality. 


Final Thoughts 

Now that you know how commercial electronics restoration works, you can take a sigh of relief and stop thinking about replacing your damaged electronics. 

If you are looking for a reliable and reputed commercial restoration company, get in touch with any 911 Restoration Franchise. They have multiple years of experience in providing professional restoration services like fire damage restoration and commercial restoration among a few. Click here to get in touch with their HQ Franchise Site Post 1 now.

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